Hip New Hip Hooray! is an invaluable guidebook written to inform and assist anyone considering, anticipating, or preparing for Total Hip Replacement (THR) surgery.
Total Hip Replacement is one of the most successful orthopedic operations performed today. Currently, surgeons perform over 400,000 total hip replacements each year in the United States. Data from Europe report even greater rates of hip replacements per 100,000 population. You are not alone!
Written and extensively researched by a former patient and successful recipient of a new hip, Hip New Hip Hooray! provides helpful resources, insights, and commentary in a concise, readable format. Sequential chapters present information in the PARTY format: Prepare, Act, Recover, Thrive, and Yay!
Hyperlinks (available in digital publication) and QR Codes (available in print publication) are provided for readers seeking further research.
Topics covered in Hip New Hip Hooray! include:
Research and Moving Forward
Prepare Your Home
Self-Learning and Suggested Videos
Questions From - and Questions For - Your Surgeon
Week Prior - and Night Before - THR
Surgery and Post Surgery
Pain Management
Emotional Health
Music Therapy
Hip New Hip Hooray! is available through major booksellers and online retailers, and HERE.